15 hours of free childcare or early education is available to families with child of two years old.
A young carer is a young person who cares for a relative, who could not manage without their help and much needed support.
If you need any specific family or individual support , look no further than our Early Intervention and Prevention service.
Additional information for parents/guardians of young people who have a special educational need or disability.
Hold your meeting, workshop or event at Positive Steps and be assured of the warmest of welcomes and give something back to the community.
We take old bikes, clean them up and fix them. The newly-refurbished bikes are then donated to local families or sold, with profits going back to Positive Cycles.
Positive Steps have an experienced DBS Team, ready and willing to assist you in all aspects of the process, giving advice on the level of check required, helping with the form and processing the application.
Our experienced and knowledgeable team of Careers Advisers are here to help you to make decisions about your future career goals.
Supportive Provision for year 10 and 11 students, offering a variety of sessions, leading to reintegration back into schools or long-term work placements.
Our experienced and knowledgeable team of Careers Advisers, Careers Coaches and Youth Engagement Workers are here to help you to make decisions about your future career goals.
We're here to help your students gain work experience!
Our experienced and knowledgeable team of Careers Advisers, Careers Coaches and Youth Engagement Workers are here to help you support your child in their future career goals.
‘Empower Oldham’ and ‘Engaging Rochdale’ are new projects aimed at connecting with young people who are currently Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET).
Turnaround will provide £55m to Youth Justice Services across England and Wales over three years, funding them to intervene earlier and improve outcomes for children on the cusp of entering the youth justice system.
The Youth Justice Services help to reduce the number of young people entering police custody, reduce the amount of young people entering the criminal justice system.
Our Missing From Home Service ensures that young people (Under 17), who go missing are independently interviewed within 72 hours of notification for safeguarding purposes.