
Work Experience

We can help your students gain work experience

Work experience is an invaluable opportunity for students to access the world of work, where they can learn more about the roles and identify their own skills. Work Experience helps to combat NEET (students Not in Employment , Education or Training), from gaining the experience students have a chance to shine, and this can result in offers of work, apprenticeships, and further training.

We offer a complete service to enable students to gain practical work experience. Our online system takes away the administration and streamlines the whole process. Students can access by either the online portal or an easy-to-use APP, which also allows the students to create a CV, receive appraisals from the employer, give their own feedback and receive certificates on completion. All risk management is managed by Positive Futures and is included in the cost of each placement.

Here are just a few examples from work experience Sept 22 to July 23:

Sector Visits

A great way to provide an employer encounter for your students. Let us arrange a visit to a whole host of employers from a wide range of industries that we have as our partners.

Students will go along in groups to learn about different sectors, with opportunities to ask those burning questions. This experience gives a clear and actual insight into all aspects of the sectors, work involved, Routes to employment and qualifications needed. There are presentations, tours, and Q&A opportunities. Many of the visits offer activities centered around the industry and are a fantastic interactive way of gaining the student’s interest.

We have access to employers from industries including:

  • Computer Programming
  • Construction
  • Design and Engineering
  • Ecommerce Business
  • Electronics and Software
  • Financial Services
  • Global Energy
  • Global Engineering
  • Global Manufacturers
  • Hospitality
  • Marketing
  • Merchandising
  • Retail
  • Sports and Fitness
  • Travel
  • Visual Arts
  • Waste Management