Exciting News! Our Young Carers Fundraising & Volunteer Awards Night event is THIS FRIDAY the 15th of September at our Medtia Place, Positive Steps building 💜
Get ready for an amazing night filled with great food, raffles, magicians, a DJ and even live music!
Entertainment Starting from 6 pm till 8 PM – Please note we will start serving food at 5PM
This night is all about our phenomenal volunteers, celebrating their hard work, and fundraising for our incredible Oldham Young Carers. So come along and celebrate with us!
Entry is FREE, we just ask that you donate whatever you can to our Oldham Young Carers, we will be accepting Cash and Contactless donations on the day.
We hope that you can attend and spend a fantastic evening with us, we are looking forward to seeing everyone there , it will definitely be a night to remember 💜
Get your tickets here 👉https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/oldham-young-carers-fundraising-volunteer-awards-night-tickets-711292313457?aff=oddtdtcreator