Our Services

How we help our communities


As an independent sector organisation, Positive Steps is unique in England in the way it provides a range of integrated and targeted support services for young people, families and the community.

The Trustees are mindful of the Charity Commission Guidance on public benefit.

Charitable objects are :

  • To advance the education and training of young people in order to prepare them for working and adult life.

  • To promote the industry/education partnerships with particular reference to young people in their last years of formal education.

  • The relief of unemployment for the public benefit in such ways as may be thought fit, including assistance to find employment.

  • The provision of educational and recreational facilities in the interests of social welfare.

  • The promotion of public safety.

  • The prevention of crime and the rehabilitation of young offenders.

  • Further training or educational activities and other associated activities for the benefit of the community.