I used to work as a chef. After the pandemic, I decided I wanted a change. I worked alongside Tameside council as part of there ‘Tameside in Work’ scheme which helped me find a new job while I was working.
I didn’t have experience or qualifications in anything else. So, I chose to do an apprenticeship so I could gain both of these whilst also being paid to do my job. You don’t have to start an apprenticeship straight after finishing school, anyone can apply to be one at any time.
A lot of young people assume that being an apprentice means you aren’t academic, this isn’t true. You still come out with a qualification and more work experience then if you did a college work placement. Apprenticeships can be found in majority of work industries if college isn’t for you. However, an apprenticeship is another way of getting to where you want to be. Young people think that as an apprenticeship you wont be doing any ‘real’ work’. You are still an employee so you will have plenty of work to do. When I first started my apprenticeship, I was working on a project straight away.
92% of apprentices stay in employment after an apprenticeship. 75% of them stay with the company where they did there apprenticeship.
Doing an apprenticeship has allowed me to stay working and able to earn money, start a new career and gain a qualification.
Ben Harper
Apprentice Youth Engagement Worker
Thinking of doing an apprenticeship? Get in touch with our careers team today!