As you may be aware , our YJS Case Manager (Shajia Begum) recently embarked on a trip to climb Mount Toukbal to raise money for young people in Syria to receive prosthetic limbs through ACTION FOR HUMANITY. As part of her fundraising, she sold food to colleagues and partners here at Positive Steps whilst also spreading awareness about this cause via social media and other activities to raise money.
Shajia has now returned from Morrocco and really appreciated the support. Please see what she had to say below and she also sent us pictures/video from the Mount Toukbal climb.
A few people have asked me about my Toubkal trip, I thought I would send you these, I do feel like I have been going on about it loads! But it was an amazing trip, I raised £1,425.95 in total for Action for Humanity. The summit to Mount Toubkal was 4,167 metres. I just wanted to thank everyone for donating to an amazing cause and changing a young person’s life to receive prosthetic limbs! Proud of Positive Steps!